Implementation of Gender-Based Interactive E-Module Learning Media
This research aims to determine the validity and practicality of gender-based interactive e-modules, which are innovative media developed to increase students' interest in learning, as well as introducing learning media that is not gender biased so that it can be well received by male and female students, without distinguish between the two in the learning process, specifically in the availability of teaching materials or learning media in schools. This research method uses a development model that was developed using the Research and Development (R&D) method, namely research that creates, produces or develops a product in the form of planning through to evaluating the validity of the product that has been produced. This research uses the ADDIE model, where the ADDIE model consists of 5 stages which include analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation, but this research only reaches the development stage. The data collection techniques used were observation, interviews and distributing questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is analysis of the validity and practicality of interactive e-modules with a Likert scale measurement scale. The results of the development of this interactive e-module were validated by experts including media experts with results (98.75%), material experts (98.88%), language experts (95%), and gender experts (98.46%) with The average validation result (97.77%) is "very valid" and suitable for use. The results of the interactive e-module practicality trial obtained scores from educators (94.44%), one to one (88.71%) and small group (92.71%) with average results (91.95%) which were categorized as very practical to apply during the learning process.